5 easy reasons to reach for fabric softener sheets
Try these fresh ideas!
Don’t hide your fresh-smelling fabric softener sheets in your laundry room. They’re not just for laundry day—put ‘em to work all around your home. You won’t believe how versatile they can be.
1. Freshen the air.
Keep a sheet in your dresser drawer or garbage can to make the air smell...Read More » -
2. Collect pet hair.
Rub a sheet over your clothes or furniture to attract loose dog and cat hairs...Read More » -
3. Stop the static.
Rub a sheet on the bristles of your hairbrush or smooth one directly over...Read More » -
4. Clean caked-on crud.
You can scrub and scrub, but sometimes baked-on food just won't budge from...Read More » -
5. Repel mosquitoes and other flying pests.
Just thread a sheet through your belt loop, or stick one under your hat, and...Read More »