Luxurious locks... fresh from the garden
It’s harvest time!
But don’t bring all of nature’s bounty into the kitchen. Instead, set aside a few choice fruits and veggies to jump-start a home spa beauty regime for your hair. Here are five natural treatments that’ll leave your tresses soft, shiny, and manageable.
1. Clean it with carrots.
Puree three raw carrots in a blender and apply the mash to your scalp for 15...Read More » -
2. 'Ave an avocado extravaganza.
Skin and mash a ripe avocado, and massage it in to your hair. Leave it on for...Read More » -
3. Condition with cukes.
Peel two cucumbers, and puree them in a blender. Then work the mix into your...Read More » -
4. Go on a deep-condition mission.
Add a cup of dried lavender to a quart of apple cider vinegar. Let the mix...Read More » -
5. Try a tress-tea tone-up.
Brew a cup of chamomile tea, let it cool, then use it as a rinse after you...Read More »