The whole ball of wax: 5 wacky uses for wax paper
Think outside the box!
It’s been a kitchen staple for generations, but wax paper is more than just a sandwich wrap. It’s a terrific splatter guard in the microwave—and much more reliable than plastic wrap, which tends to melt as the food heats up. Here are 5 wild and wacky ways to use wax paper around the house.
1. Avoid a sticky situation.
Help your waffle iron keep its non-stick status by rubbing a wad of wax paper...Read More » -
2. Use your head.
Shine up hard-surfaced floors by rubbing 'em with wax paper placed around a...Read More » -
4. Say cheese!
Don't be a cheese butcher. Fold wax paper over the knife before slicing...Read More » -
5. It's a leaf motif.
Preserve beautiful leaves by laying them between pieces of wax paper and...Read More »