Cola refreshes--both you and your yard
Pop open an ice-cold cola—and save the leftovers for your yard!
Ahhh!—there’s nothing like a nice refreshing pop on a hot summer day. But be sure to save the last sip for your lawn. And don’t toss the bottle in the recycling bin when you’re through. Your whole yard can get big benefits from the cola, and all of its packaging, too!
1. Offer some support.
Use plastic six-pack pop holders to support your vines. Attach one side to a...Read More » -
2. Tell moles to mosey along.
You know that deep bass fiddle sound you can make by blowing across the top...Read More » -
3. Baby your babies.
Protect your tender, young potted seedlings with a mini greenhouse. Just cut...Read More » -
4. Treat 'em to a refreshing sip.
To increase the organic activity in your soil, add 1 tablespoon of regular...Read More » -
5. Stay safe out there!
Place pesticide bait in and around problem areas by putting it in plastic...Read More »